Sep 23rd, 2020
Community Bulletin: OCH and OWCS sign partnership agreement for Aging in Place

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The Aging in Place program offers seniors in Ottawa Community Housing communities onsite support services such as emergency meals and home care.
Aging in Place is an aging at home initiative funded by the Champlain Local Health Integration Network.
On September 23, OCH and Ottawa West Community Support signed an official partnership ensuring the continued success of the program. The agreement solidified a partnership that began in 2007, with five OCH senior buildings.
“This partnership recognizes the importance of the Aging in Place program in the day-to-day lives of OCH tenants. Having that service onsite is invaluable,” said Steve Clay, Manager, Community Development for OCH.
Now the program provides support to residents of 11 OCH senior communities. It helps clients lead healthier lives. The clients served by this program are at risk and face barriers to access to health care. The supports help reduce emergency room visits and allows clients to live in their own homes longer – delaying the transition to long-term care.
“Aging in Place connects OCH tenants to services from the Champlain LHIN and Community Care. This partnership paves the way for increased Aging in Place services,” said Jennifer Lalonde, Executive Director, Ottawa West Community Support.
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